What is vaping? Let us begin with the most pressing question - what exactly do we mean by ‘vaping’? Vaping is a process that involves using an electronic device and other vape accessories UK to convert e-liquid into vapour to be inhaled by the user. These devices and accessories can be purchased at any vape store in London. Vaping versus Smoking: Another confusion which people have is about the differences (or similarities) between vaping and smoking. Vaping is quite a different process compared to smoking cigarettes, which involves the burning of tobacco leaf, which creates the smoke, which is inhaled. Even though both smoking and vaping involve nicotine, what makes smoking more harmful is the tobacco combustion and the chemicals used to treat the tobacco. Since vape liquids do not contain carbon monoxide or tobacco, the two constituents which make tobacco smoke so damaging. e-liquids do not produce any tar and is a far cleaner and safer substitute than smokin...